Page Editing Instructions
Warm Greetings, Page Editors!
Adding information to this website is similar to much of the word processing you already do, with just a few extra steps. I expect it will soon become routine for you and not very time consuming. However, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (information below). There is no such thing as a dumb question, and learning a new system is not a linear process. Moreover, we can’t negotiate with technology; if we forget one minor step, it refuses to budge. Please do not wallow in frustration; call, text, or e-mail me. I won’t be offended if you just called yesterday, and the day before, and last week, with the same question. If I don’t know the answer, I will contact Squarespace, our platform provider, and get back to you.
Additionally, I will be glad to add things to the site for you. The purpose in giving you editing capability is to make your life easier, not harder.
Finally: if you notice anything that would make use of your page easier, e.g., adding additional pages for other categories, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you.
To print these instructions for use while editing, please use this link: WPJS Website Page Editing Instructions.
Best regards,
Angela Smith
Viewing the WPJS Website
If you would like to view the site without making any changes, the easiest way to do this is to go to and, when prompted, enter the following password: warpeacejustice. That way, you will not have to negotiate in and out of editing mode, which offers a different view of the pages.
Editing the WPJS Website
Entering Editing Mode on your Focus Area Page
I recommend that you open the website in viewing mode, as explained above, open this page under the WPJS documents tab, and keep it open for reference. Another option is to print this page and keep the physical copy on your desk as you edit. Next, open a (second) tab for editing.
If you have not already received an invitation to be a contributor to the website, please let me know, sharing the e-mail address you will prefer to use for logging into the site. Upon receiving the invitation, you will be prompted to create a personal Squarespace account with a password.
To log into Squarespace, you need to go to The “/config” at the end enables editing mode. That page will prompt you to enter your e-mail address and the password you chose when invited to be a contributor (step #2).
Upon logging in, you will see the home page at the right, diminished in size. A column of categories will appear on the left. The fifth category from the top will be “Pages.” Select that one.
Now the left hand column will display page titles corresponding to those in the navigation bar: Home, About, Focus Areas, etc. Focus Areas is actually a collection of pages; the icon in front of it looks like a folder. Indented under the Focus Areas folder are the titles of the pages it contains, in alphabetical order. Scroll down to find your focus are and select that page.
Squarespace is constructed of blocks of information. In order to edit, you will need to select the correct block. On this page, there are only two blocks: the navigation bar block at the very top of the page, and the rest of the content below it.
Hover the cursor near the top of the content block you wish to edit, and a small black rectangular box will appear near the upper left corner of the block. That box will contain three items: the name of your page, “Edit,” and “Settings.” Click on “Edit” to enter editing mode. Note that this will enlarge the page to full size, temporarily hiding the left hand column.
Editing Your Page: Adding Text
There are two types of information you might add to your page: text and links. Adding text is easiest, so let’s begin there.
At the top of the content block of your page that you have entered, you will see notice the following: a title bearing the name of your focus area, then this:
FAL/FA Team Contact Information
Move your cursor to the places where you want to add text, and type.
At the top of your content block, the small black box inviting you to edit will have been replaced by a long black box asking whether you would like to save your changes or cancel. If you are satisfied with your changes, click “Save.”
Editing Your Page: Adding Links
There are two types of links you might wish to add: links to websites, and links to files.
Adding Links to Websites
Type the title you wish to use for your link in the appropriate place on your Focus Area page, e.g., “Dramatized Audio Recording of The Iliad.” .
In a new tab, open the page you wish to link. Use the cursor to highlight the address of the page, then click “Control C’ to copy it.
Return to your Focus Area page. Highlight the text that will serve as a link.
Near the top left corner of the content box you’re editing, a black bar with symbols will appear. The fifth symbol from the left will look like a link. Click this symbol.
A white box will now appear under the text you highlighted. The first line will contain a copy of the highlighted selection. The second line will contain, in light gray text: “,” with a black gear icon to the right. Cut and paste the address of the new page, which you want to link from this page, onto the second line, over the light gray “example” text.
Below the address you just added, two words will appear: “Remove” and “Apply.” If your address is correct, click “Apply.” If not, click “Remove,” find the correct address, and repeat step #5.
If you are satisfied with your changes, click “Save.”
Adding Links to Files (e.g., PDF, Word Document, or PowerPoint):
Type the title you wish to use for your link in the appropriate place on your Focus Area page, e.g., “Storyboard.”
Highlight the text you just entered for the title.
Near the top left corner of the content box you’re editing, a black bar with symbols will appear. The fifth symbol from the left will look like a link. Click this symbol.
A white box will now appear under the text you highlighted. The first line will contain a copy of the highlighted selection. The second line will contain, in light gray text: “,” with a black gear icon to the right.
Click the gear icon. A new large box will appear slightly to the right. The left side of that box will be entitled “Link Editor.” It will contain a list of five options underneath. Choose the fifth one: “File.”
On the right side of the same large box, you will see the following: “UPLOAD FILE.” Select that.
You will now be directed to the files stored on your computer. Find the one you want to link, and click “open.”
In the same box in which you have been working, click “SAVE” in the upper left corner once you have secured the correct file.
Now that the file has been uploaded to the Squarespace storage system, you need to link the file to your page. Highlight the same text indicating the title of the file on your page (e.g., “Storyboard,”), click the same gear icon again, and the same large box will open. Click “file” again on the left hand side of the box.
On the right side of the box, you will see a list of files. (It will be a “list” of one if this is the first file you have uploaded.) Click the file you wish to add; a check mark will appear to the left of the title confirming your choice. Click “SAVE” in the upper left corner of the box.
The large box will have disappeared. You will be left with the smaller white box under the link title you typed onto your page. The top line will contain the title; the bottom line will contain the address of the file. Click “Apply” in the lower right corner of this box.
Look at the black bar across the top of your content block. Far to the left will be a “SAVE” button, partially obscured by an arrow so that it looks like “SA.” Click SAVE.
Logging out of Your Squarespace Account
This process is similar to logging out of gmail and other accounts you use.
After you have saved your editing, the website page will diminish in size again and occupy the right side of the page, with a column of categories on the left.
At the top of the left hand column, you will see “HOME” in capital letters with a left facing arrow. Click that, and the left hand column will display a list of categories: Orders, Inventory, etc.
At the bottom of that left hand column, there will be a small gray circle with your initials followed by your name and e-mail address. Click either of those.
This action will lead you to the log out page. In the upper right corner, you will see a small gray circle with your initials, identical to the one on the previous page. (A rectangular box with “Create Site” inside will be displayed to the right.) Click the gray circle. This will prompt your name, e-mail address and a list of five options to appear underneath the circle.
Of the five options, select the last: “Log Out.”