Storyboard: An Iliad
Lead Focus Area Coordinators: Lenora Cuccia, Angela Smith
Venue location(s) – Dickinson College, Penn State Univ. Dickinson Law School, US Army War College, Carlisle Theater
Date(s) – TBD (20-24 September 2021)
Play – An Iliad, directed by Brad Delzer, Artistic Director, True North Theatre; performed by actor Thomas Weaver; music (lyre) by Joseph Osborne.
Panel members (potential list only) – Author/poet John Livecchi, Professor Marc Mastrangelo, Thomas Weaver, Brad Delzer
Thesis/theme(s): “Based on Homer’s epic poem of the Trojan War. An Iliad takes the rage of Achilles, a great fighter, and connects it to our modern world. A central theme of the play is that this story of seductive power of rage repeats time and again throughout history, all over the world, and through everyone one of us. It also exposes the humanity of those who, at first glance, appear to be little more than mythological stereotypes. It is a reminder that all of us – particularly those we easily categorize - are complex people whose humanity defy our assumptions. “ – True North Theatre presents An Iliad (playbill)
- Context and History, The Trojan War
- Story of Achilles
Violence and rage
Moral injury
Cost data – Travel, lodging, per diem, honorarium, etc. TBD
Additional sponsors – Society of Friends at Pendle Hill (Tentative)
References : The Iliad by Homer (Robert Fagles); In Search of the Trojan War (Michael Wood); Homer (Jasper Griffin); The Poem of Force (Simone Weil); Retellings: Homer’s Characters Speak in Our Team (John Livecchi)